Protestor , Rioter, Looter — Difference & Similarity?

1 min readJun 2, 2020

What is the difference and similarity between a protester , a rioter and a looter?


A protester is someone who is standing in unity with others against an oppressive idea, government, law or situation. A protester can be verbal , visual or expressive of their anger or dissent nonviolently or violently.

A riot is when a peaceful protest turns violent because they ( the protester or the oppressor or the stabilizer) become bold or angry to defy the norms of a peaceful protest and displays acts of aggression against authority ( or take authority onto own hands) and breaks from the crowd. The lone person/authority can draw more people to join into the riot by their actions and create a sense of bravery or bravado to increase.

A looter is someone who is taking advantage of the lack of lawful order in society because either the law enforcement is limited or disbursed or does not care of the ramifications. They are solely focused on the benefit of their opportunistic benefit.


All three are can be of any race, color, creed, religion or economic strata.

Doing the right thing or the wrong thing has no difference. It’s what you choose to do that makes you who you are.




VP Product -automation s/w , 11.2 Ventures, Adjunct Faculty, HBS & Northwestern grad. Father, runner, triathlete, travel junkie(95+ countries)